South Country

Society Officials
A full list of who is actually running the Cheviot Sheep Society on behalf of it's members. If you have a problem or wish something brought up at a Council meeting, speak to the Secretary or a Council Member.
Council members are elected at the AGM in November and they usually serve for three years. If you are interested in standing, please come along to the AGM.
Past Presidents
A complete list of past presidents of the Cheviot Sheep Society shows who have helped to shape the Society as we know it today.
It is interesting to note that two of our early presidents had sheep entered in the first Flock Book, George Douglas, Upper Hindhope and John Elliot, Hindhope and their descendants still farm the same farms and entered rams into the latest Flock Book.

Joining the cheviot sheep society
This page allows you to download the forms you require to fill in and return to the Secretary. Full membership is only £30.00 while membership for shepherds is at the reduced fee of £20.00
If you are interested, do not delay - join today. Forms can be downloaded from the 'Joining the Society' page.
Members Page
This secure page is only open to members of the Cheviot Sheep Society. If you are a member you will have a password for you to access material which due to GDPR cannot be open to everyone. If you are a member but have not completed a GDPR form and returned it to the Secretary, you will also not be able to access this page..