Cheviot Sheep

sale dates 2019
A complete list of sale dates where you will find quality Cheviot Sheep. Whether you are buying or selling, make sure you put these dates onto your calendar. If it is breeding sheep or store lambs you wish to purchase, there is no excuse for missing out. You can trust our Cheviot Sheep to do well with you.
sale reports
If you cannot be there in person, the Sale Reports will keep you up to date on how well Cheviot Sheep are doing at our local centres in the South of Scotland. If you have a sale report from further afield regarding Cheviots or news that would be of interest to the membership, please get in touch with the Secretary.

Archive reports of lockerbie ram sales
Reports of the Cheviot Ram Show & Sale from 1999 to the present day will appear here. Trigger your memory by reading the sale reports from days gone by. Find out who was successful and look at the photographs of the rams that were forward at those sales.
Private sales
If you have Cheviot Sheep you wish to sell privately, this is the ideal way for members of the Cheviot Sheep Society to advertise free of charge. Similarly if you are looking to buy Cheviot Sheep, place an advert at a small cost, and you can ensure that you will reach the full membership of the Cheviot Sheep Society. As you can see from the above photograph, some breeders also have some 'Black Sheep'.