Cheviot Ram sale
Monday 1st October 1999

The 1999 annual show and sale of Hill Cheviot Rams attracted an entry of 456. Customers attended from as far away as the Isle of Skye and Devon, together with a large contingent from Wales.
A level trade prevailed all day with the average of £475.52 showing an increase of £27.55 on the year, with 31 more sheep sold.
The judge Andrew Warnock from Dreva awarded the Supreme Championship to a two-shear from Messrs. Robert Hope & Co., Winterhope. This sheep, out of a home bred ewe and sired by £10,000 Catslack One O One, sold for £4,200 to Mr L.W. Goodfellow, Glengeith, Airthrie Estate, Glenochar and Mr D. McGarva, Granton farm
The reserve champion, a shearling from Messrs P. Smith & Son, Stirkfield, Biggar, by a Bloch sire, sold at £2,600 to Messrs J.F. Irving & Son, Mount Benger, Yarrow
The winning group from Mr W.N. Douglas, Catslackburn, sold to £3,500 for a shearling purchased jointly by Glenochar and Glengeith.
One of the second prized group, from Messrs J.F. Irving & Son, Mount Benger, Yarrow sold for £3,600 to Mr J. Robertson, Becks and Mr W.N.Douglas, Catslackburn.
In all, thirty eight sheep sold for over £1000 and more than 70 were purchased to go into Wales.
The next top price for a two shear went to Mr R H Paton, Castle Crawford at £3,800 to Mr F. Smith, Stirkfield and Mr W N Douglas, Catslackburn. Mr D McGarva from Granton sold a two shear at £3,000 to Mr R.H Paton, Castle Crawford.
Other leading prices for two shears were £2,800 Skelfhill, £2,200 Castle Crawford, £1,800 Glenochar (2) and Bloch, £1,500 Becks.
The next top price for a shearling went to Mr L.W. Goodfellow from Glengeith by a Castle sire and was purchased by Messrs J. Hepburn & Co., Crosscleugh.
Other leading prices:
£2,800 Crossdykes and Winterhope, £2,600 Stirkfield, £2,500 Glengeith, £2,400 Attonburn and Stirkfield, £2,200 Crossdykes, £2,000 Crosscleugh and Catslackburn, £1,800 Mount Benger.